Monday, 27 April 2020

Attenborough's Ark

Today we watched this (of course...after StudyLadder and riding our new bikes)  Isla is an official bike rider now without any external devices for support!

Attenborough's Ark

Sir David Attenborough was asked to choose 10 endangered animals from around the world to put onto a hypothetical ark. It is a tough ask, bur for Sir David it’s the unusual ones that interest him.

The 10 species Sir David Attenborough would take on his own personal Ark
  • The black lion tamarin.Image result for black lion tamarin
  • The Sumatran Rhino.Image result for sumatran rhinoceros
  • The Solenodon.Image result for solenodon
  • The Olm salamander.Image result for olm salamander
  • The Marvellous Spatuletail humming bird.Image result for Marvellous Spatuletail
  • Darwin's frog.Image result for darwin's frog
  • Sunda pangolin.Image result for pangolin
  • Priam's birding butterfly.Image result for priam's birdwing butterfly

Which is yours?


  1. Tam: Priam Birdwing Butterfly

    Isla:The black lion, Sumatran rhinoceros
    The Solenodon.The Olm salamander

    Malcolm:Sunda Pangolin

    Cindy: the other Tamarin!

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